Sunday, May 19, 2013

May Executive Board Meeting

Executive Board Meeting
Family Research Center-Bountiful
19 May 2013 6:30 pm

PRESIDING & CONDUCTING: John Tolman, President


WELCOME: John Tolman, President

THOSE IN ATTENDANCE & VOLUNTEER HOURS: Glen Tonge (2); Tricia Leslie (2); John Tolman (18); Tom Tolman (2); Jake Howlett (lots); Melanie Howlett (lots); Douglas Jones (lots); Joan Tolman; Loraine T Pace (227); Barbara Tolman (5); Lola T Beagley (225)
Total: 479 (+lots)

MINUTES : 13 Jan 2013 Executive Board Meeting minutes read by Lola T Beagley; corrected (Ralph Mecham’s (“son” to “grandson”) and then approved by group.

FINANCIAL REPORT: presented by Treasurer, Barbara L Tolman, and is attached. The report was approved by unanimous vote

The following try to meet weekly at the SLC Genealogy Library to do research as assigned by
Loraine T Pace: Loraine T Pace, John Tolman, Elese Elwood , Lola T Beagley


Web Master – Trent Larson - no report

Genealogist and Temple Work – Loraine T Pace

1. Has sorted through the 11 drawers at the Family Center to discard unneeded documents. Has completed 7 of the 11 drawers. Many sheets just listed Mr & Mrs and 1 child

2. We are back to the 1500’s on the main Thomas Tolman lines. There is not enough information in the records to proceed further as the old records just lists a child’s name and birth date but not the parents.

3. Set the date of 22 June 2013 for the semi-annual meeting from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. It is to be a workday at the Thomas Tolman Family Center to sort through the filing cabinets. Decided to sell the filing cabinets for $75.

4. As will be digitizing the pertinent documents. Douglas Jones suggested since everything is internet based perhaps the journals should be changed to PDFs

5. Need to think about closing the Thomas Tolman Organization and selling the facility. We are now an online generation and the physical facility is becoming obsolete. Payment of dues and donations have decreased dramatically over last 2 years. It was suggested to keep the house for just a rental but all the rental income goes back into the building and there is no profit bearing project.
    1. Donate the photos and historical documents to the Bountiful Museum that is currently in creation. Part of the museum will be an archival room.
    2. Possible use of the funds from sale of the facility:

1. perpetual genealogy fund
2. funds for research
3. donate to the Bountiful Museum
4. donate to the Chesterfield Organization

6. Current Issues with the physical facility
    1. Rain coming in onto the cabinets in the basement room. Tom Tolman indicated has a friend who can fix the leak, with flashing, as has nothing to do with the roofing
    2. Roofing still needs to be replaced. The question was raised if we plan to sell the facility should we fix the roof. Probably a better option to fix the roof. The funds are available but will probably take most of the $11,000 plus balance. It was stated that the proceeds in the account do not come from the rental of the facility but has come the dues, donations and sale of the products (journals etc.)
    3. Jake Howlett reported that often find dust/debris on top of the cabinets in the storage room but no moisture. It was determined that this is a result of an earlier flooding from the upstairs area, which has been fixed. The ceiling material was compromised by earlier flooding but should not be a problem, now.
    4. Discussed the internet/phone connection in the facility. It was decided to keep it under the Tolman Organization. Jake Howlett will call Century Link to correct how the account is listed

7. Facility Rental:
    1. Douglas Jones reported is moving from the upstairs apartment to West Valley City on June 15, 2013
    2. Tricia Leslie reported that the Jones have made many improvement throughout the upstairs including the attic. The area has been well taken care of and is a credit to the Jones family
    3. Tricia has a prospective renter (family from her ward) who can move in when the Jones move out. (Adam and Gwen Fisher). She related facts and findings about the family and it was decided to proceed with the rental of the upstairs apartment to this family.

Cyrus Line - no report

Judson Line – no report

Benjamin Line – no report

Postcard and Magazine – Tom Tolman: Eliminated the newsletter so won’t have any documents until the fall magazine.

NEXT MEETING: not determined

Tom Tolman will have repair work done on leak over the cabinets
Tom Tolman will get several quotes on replacing the roofing and get back to President in two weeks
Jake Howlett to contact Century Link on phone/internet account