Thursday, January 27, 2011

January Board Meeting

Executive Board Meeting
Bountiful Family Center at 6:30 PM on January 23, 2011

PRESIDING: John Tolman
INVOCATION: Kristie Pitts
THOSE IN ATTENDANCE & Volunteer Hours: Janis T. Newton 3, Tonga S. Titcomb, John Tolman 8, Kristie Pitts 3, Robert Pitts 3, Loraine Pace 50, Barbara Tolman 20, Tricia Leslie 3.5, Andrew Pace 2, Douglas Jones 15, Trent Larson 1.

MINUTES READ BY: Janis T. Newton Changes were made to previous minutes.

FINANCIAL REPORT: Barbara Tolman Testified of the blessings when serving the Lord, praying constantly with a sincere heart. (Attached)


  • Johns report:

  • Business: (tenants and semi-annual meeting)

FACILITIES REPORT: Tricia Leslie Upstairs levelors in bedroom and laundry room need replacing. It was approved to replace immediately. Stairs to attic need a rail. It was approved to have one installed. Kathy will be given a key. Phone will be answered by Drew and Kathy. Drew will handle the messages and prepare orders that are received. Barbara will mail the orders. She will come once a week.


CYRUS LINE: Kristie Tolman Pitts Loa Clark’s son died. She was loaned a book from one of her students containing the history of Jerry Jones. It also is a history of the valley and Jazz. A copy is also here at the home.
JUDSON LINE: Tonga Titcomb The two families she was going to meet with in December cancelled appointment. She has three appointments with others this month.

BENJAMIN LINE: Dawine T, Mills Johnson (Absent)

GENEALOGIST: Loraine Tolman Pace Loraine has enlisted Elese Pace Elwood to help do research. She would like to pay her for her endeavors. She is also in training to do all that Lorraine works on. It was approved to pay her $100.00 a month for six months and then we will re-evaluate.

TEMPLE READY: Glen Tonge He is working on the Nathan Tolman line to enter temple dates.

PUBLICATION EDITOR: Tom Tolman He will meet with Jean Bown in two weeks and review Thomas Briggs Books and Diaries. He will have Carr Printing do a 6x9 color postcard. It will be sent by regular mail instead of bulk, due to the low number of mailings, this way becomes more economical; at a cost of 18 cents per card.

INTERNET REPORT: Trent Larson He will send e-mail address’ for all family members to Tom Tolman. He will change Web Hosting from Robert Tolman to Tolman It will cost $75.00 a year. This was approved. Let Trent know if we need more back-up. He will stay on top of new technology as it becomes available.



NEXT MEETING: February 13, 2011; 6:30. Loraine will come at 6:00 and teach those who would like to learn more about documenting the living.