Saturday, October 16, 2010

October Semi-Annual Meeting

Semi-Annual Meeting October 16, 2010
Bountiful Family Center at 6:30 PM

PRESIDING: President John O. Tolman.
INVOCATION: Tonga Titcomb

MINUTES READ BY: Kristie Tolman Pitts (Date of minutes, approved, changes noted)

FINANCIAL REPORT: Barbara Tolman (Date of report, prepared by, revenues, and expenditures noted) We have been able to operate on income this year, so the balance is as it was at the first of the year at over $9,000.00. We have also paid for the concrete work with income. We have also been able to save money by using the internet to send out the magazine. In addition, we also have been ahead by just under $2,000.00 on the rent this year for research money. Our financial records all balance with the bank. We use accepted accounting principles and our balance now is about $11,000.00


  • Johns Remarks: John talked about the status of the house in terms of upkeep, mentioning the completed concrete project, and tree trimming, and repairs to the roof. He stated the roof will need to be replaced in the future, and that the cost for that would be around $10,000.00 to $15,000.00.

  • Business: (tenants and semi-annual meeting)



CYRUS LINE: Kristie Tolman Pitts
JUDSON LINE: Tonga Titcomb

BENJAMIN LINE: Dawine T, Mills Johnson

GENEALOGIST: Loraine Tolman Pace: Loraine mentioned several cousins who have died recently, and the fact that she attended the funeral of Stanley Earl Tolman that very day. She talked about the important role played by the Tolman center in serving as a caretaker for journals, pictures, etc. It is important that we take care of the center. She has been working on editing the Thomas Briggs’ journals. It is difficult job with the spelling problems, and is taking a great a deal of time. The journals have great detail and the project will be very worthwhile when done. Loraine is researching 70 surnames on our ancestral lines. These lines cross the waters to England in the early 1600’s or late 1500’s. We have a distinct place in England for all but 5 of the 70 surnames. We have gone as far as we can go on some of the lines.
There are three scenarios on Thomas Tolman in New Family Search. This continues to be a very difficult problem. We are trying to clean up the information on all ancestors of Nathan on down. We still have lots of work to do. We need younger members of the family to get involved. Research is now geared to the younger generation on the computers etc. We desperately need more help. There continues to be a problem of multiplying errors in the records. This is easy to do with one wrong choice. Loraine then bore her testimony of the work.



OTHER BUSINESS: Special Guest Randy Sellers was introduced by Glen Tonge. Brother Sellers is considered Mr. Genealogy in Glen’s stake. He is a CPA who owns a bank and a number of other businesses. He is a Certified Professional Genealogist and the Gospel Doctrine, and Genealogy teacher in Glen’s ward.
Brother Sellers talked about using different research techniques that the traditional, using younger people in the research. He showed the group assembled how he could find and use birth and marriage records in as little as 25 minutes on a computer to do the work that would take hours otherwise. He gave important tips on what do look for in the records. Using this method, there are shorter, easier projects for young people to do that can be done at home. He talked about the use of extracted records, and said that indexes that are coming that are revolutionizing research.




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